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Scarred Beautiful

I have had the pleasure of interviewing a very inspirational woman and author by the name of Andrea Casteel Smith. I have known Andrea since grade school. We have recently been in touch after many years. Andrea was raised in the Christian church and was a minister's daughter. She was born with a precancerous birthmark that covered her neck all the way down to her waist, which took many painful operations and procedures to remove. As a young girl she covered her scars with embarrassment and as she became a woman the scars affected her self-worth and how she felt about herself. One evening after drinking two glasses of wine and getting behind the wheel of her car, she was arrested for a DUI and sentenced to 20 days in jail. While experiencing enormous guilt and shame in jail, she wrote down her words which turned into a published book entitled Scarred Beautiful. In this powerful book she shares her external and internal scars and how this painful journey has led her to healing and freedom from guilt and shame. Andrea is empowering women all over the world to embrace their scars, share their stories and open their hearts to healing. ❤️ I am honored to share our conversation with you. CLICK HERE TO WATCH Conversations with Eugene Ebner * Inspiring others to awaken to their own greatness

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